DeAnna VandeZande is sharing a message with us this week:

Greetings! I hope this finds you all doing well! Today Spirit would like for me to share with you a couple of things regarding our thoughts, specifically random and/or unwanted thoughts. Random thoughts. We all have them. They seem to come from nowhere and most of us simply allow them to exist without question, even… Read more »

Berena Wise listed some very easy steps to clear yourself and your space:

(Clear yourself daily with smudge or spray yourself with an essential oil spray. Then call in your guides for protection.)  #1 – Physically clean, dust, sanitize, and de-clutter the house from top to bottom.  #2 – Call in your personal guides for assistance. Burn sage or smudge mix throughout the space. It comes in bundles… Read more »

DeAnna VandeZande is sharing a timely message with us…

Greetings! I come to you today with a message about your relationships. Many of you have come a long way in your spiritual journey. You have reached new levels of enlightenment and self-awareness and Spirit is very pleased with your progress. Spirit is aware, however, that there are those of you who are struggling in… Read more »

Berena Wise is sharing her message from Earth Keys…

Easter, April 2015 – (Earth Keys Full Moon Ceremony)  On this most sacred weekend, we come to explain to you why the Christ has arisen and exists within you at this very moment. You have been told that the kingdom of God is within each of you. This is the grace, and the blessing, which… Read more »

Berena Wise is sharing her message from 3/28/15 Soul Etheric Record Clearing Circle…

2015 Archangel Gabriel: Message from Soul Etheric Clearing Circle 3/28/15 You are one of high inspiration, selected specifically for this purpose. Do not doubt this and the authenticity of that which you deliver willingly to those around you. You understand the necessity of these messages, for you are keepers of the Divine truth. This is the… Read more »

Thank You To All Who Participated In An Awesome Weekend Of World Water Day

WORLD WATER DAY    Mission Accomplished!    We would like to thank everyone who participated in the transmissions over the World Water Day weekend. Nearly 2300 transmitters gathered to infuse their love into the Earth’s fresh water ecosystems. A big round of applause for you water lovers! As we make our way into these next months,… Read more »

We are sharing a timely message from Shambahalla & New Earth:

P’taah on Religion Words of Wisdom from P’taah from the book, “P’taah – The Gift” Channeled by: Jani King P’taah ~ Creator God of Ancient Egypt  “That which you term ‘religion’ upon your plane has nothing to do with the Spiritual truths of the universes, which require no rites, rules or rituals. Religion is a… Read more »

Message from DeAnna VandeZande…

It has been pressed upon me by Spirit that this year, 2015, is a year of transformation, and I know that many of you have also received this same message. That is exciting news, indeed, as transformation is necessary in order for us to become more aligned with our Creator. But have you considered what… Read more »

Berena Wise is sharing her message from Soul Etheric Clearing Circle in February…

All have felt pain from something that happened in your live, and you have felt yourself a victim. The anger, hurt, and the pain felt very real. From this pain you felt emotions such as blame and un-forgiveness. Much is said about forgiving, but IT IS, one of the most important things you need to… Read more »