TROLLEITE… The Ascension Stone!

TROLLEITE is a Powerful Stone that can be used for a variety of purposes…

Trolleite is a High Vibrational Stone that will help you connect to your higher spiritual realms. This will allow for increased spiritual awareness and connection with your higher self. Advancing your third eye chakra and crown chakra, it promotes higher psychic sensory and enhanced intuition through your light channels. At the same time, it will help you ground all these high energies you are opening to receive.

Trolleite is a very calming stone that will help with your emotional well-being. It will reduce stress and anxiety, bringing peace and tranquility. It will ease your mind and promote a more restful sleep. It will also cheer you up when you are feeling down.

Trolleite will help your body with its natural ability to heal itself. It will help relieve tension, headaches and migraines. It will calm the nervous system and reduce nerve pain. It is beneficial for improving your eyesight. And it is wonderful to help with overcoming addictions of all kinds.

Trolleite will magnify the powerful light universal energies. And trolleite will help you choose the highest outcome for all concerned. This is why it is a wonderful and beautiful Ascension Stone to work with. These ascension energies can throw us for a loop sometimes, but if you have some Trolleite it will help you stay strong on this Ascension Journey.

Stop in Lightworker’s Sanctuary and pick yours up soon as we have a feeling this stone will not last long in our shop. Journey’s Call…See You Soon!