Healing…Merging…& Understanding Self
By Jypsy Jenn & Earth Magic
I will keep this as short and sweet as I can…At this time our Shadow Sides and Past Life Traumas are coming up to be seen, heard and healed. We must look at and begin to understand these energies. We can no longer deny what we were any longer. We are moving into a New Consciousness and we must begin to understand where we have been. This is the only way to move on…into the NEW that is just waiting for us to recognize it. But to recognize it we must see the love in everything…the everything that is in YOU…the individual self.
As our shadow side and karmic past come up into view, learn where it originated from. Do not judge this process…use this time to learn about it. Do not dwell on it just find the core truth. THEN Love and Embrace this aspect of yourself. This is the transition of merging what we have denied. LOVE is the highest truth one can hold…by Loving your shadow side it will merge into this powerful New Consciousness of higher truths and knowledge. If we deny this time to acknowledge what we are, where we have been and what we have created…we will not be able to fully embrace what we are becoming. So take time out to ask these darker parts of you what they represent in you…know it, own it and allow it to be healed. It is time to Kiss our Whole Entire Self…and Forgive what we do not like. We learn from every single aspect that we have come into contact with. This process is allowing all of our aspects to be known as our own unique design of creation…Learning what life is all about. We take the darker sides and use those learning’s to no longer desire those choices and to move forward into higher living within ourselves; making wiser choices for ourselves.
Our New Highly Evolved Consciousness is just waiting for us to merge and for us to do this; our work is to understanding all of our feelings. Learn to love and embrace these feelings…knowing all have served to create this unique soul and experiences we have experienced. Nothing is ever really erased so we might as well accept it! Then all we have to do is watch our own actions by behaving differently. We act in accordance to where we desire to go in our day to day living situations. Start making conscious effort on all choices you make from this moment forward because: Every step you take…Every move you make…Is Creating Your World!
Here are some stones to help you during this time of healing our darker sides and past karmic energies:
Danburite: A Powerful aid to uplift one’s awareness to the higher spiritual vibrations. It helps to release stress and worry…sending messages to the heart that ‘all is well’. Assists to let go of past karmic conditions that affect this life!
Merlinite: Magic, Intuition and Past Life Recall. This stone will help you pull up and locate the past lives that are most suitable for healing. It will help lift the veils between the worlds and bring through very deep and strong intuitive skills to help with your healing process.
Charoite: Purges inner negativity…providing protecting and healing. It will help you to overcome fears and replace with Unconditional Love. It will then help to connect you to your highest potential.
Obsidian: Aids in healing issues caused by unprocessed Shadow material. It will help dispel self-judgment and self-sabotage. A strong stone of spiritual protection as it grounds and connects you to our Earths core. It will aid in recalling the exiled bits from your unconscious and past lives…helping you to move forward in healing your body and soul.
Rhodonite: Promotes the energy of love…helping you realize your unique capacities and fulfill your destiny.
You may find the stones pictured above at Lightworker’s Sanctuary. Come in and feel their gifts for yourself. We love them and love to share them!
Many Blessings!