Berena Wise is sharing her message from Archangel Zadkiel with us from…

Sunday Meditation – July 2015

So many things are changing with you and around you at this time.

We would like to offer an opportunity for you to view each day as a new beginning. We invite you each morning when you first awaken, to take a moment and say these words to clear your energy field for the new day. Please say: “I release all that occurred yesterday in my life, for it is now in the past, and I do not need to take this energy into my new day.” You can also use wording that feels best to you.

Then take a moment and with deep breaths, breathe this in. Feel the energy of your words expanding within you.

See yourself as you retired the previous evening allowing yourself to let go of your thoughts and climbing into your bed knowing that everything in your day was perfect and in Divine order.

See yourself empowered with the knowledge that whatever words you spoke or wrote, whatever actions you took, were done with the best of intentions. Let go of guilt or blame and know that you were doing the best you could in the moment and in each moment.

Then as you are now awake, you can know that all that was, is no more. This is a new day. This is a new beginning. If you can begin to do this and live this, it will be much easier for you as you walk your path.

Many are in a cycle of acting or speaking before doing or saying something that may not be in your best interest. It only takes a brief pause to consider your words before you release their energy out into the universe. This may prevent the feelings of regret, guilt or even shame.

At times when you do act or speak without pause; Our words to you are that you must let it go. Forgive yourself immediately. Do not stay in the energy of guilt and un-forgiveness of yourself. It is done and it is over.

And most important know that it is okay.

Once you forgive yourself for what you feel you have done, or even perhaps not done, you will then be sending the powerful energy of forgiveness out into the World to heal all of humanity.

Forgiveness. With it can come: love, self-love, self-worth, self-trust, and self-compassion.
Forgiveness.  So powerful is this one word is.  It can shift everything.
Forgive. And if it feels better you may say, “I forgive myself for everything in all directions of time.” This way you are forgiving the past as well as what can possibly come in the future.

We want you to really tune in and feel forgiveness of self. More than just saying or affirming the words: feel it within every part of your being. Move your attention to your beautiful heart and send that forgiveness straight to it and then allow your heart to return it back to you.

Forgiveness is releasing emotions that are a burden for you to carry. The energy behind un-forgiveness is dense and heavy. It is the cause of so many issues that you do not need to experience.

Affirmations are a good tool. But merely saying the words without feeling them and believing them, will not bring to you what you intended.

You can say affirming words, but if they do not come from the heart and have belief, trust and positive intentions within them, will always fall short of what it is you desire.

When you can say words from your heart, for your Highest Good as well as the Highest Good of all concerned, you WILL then receive results.

We want you to enjoy your life. You have been given this gift of life, and in this gift, it is not intended for you to experience pain, suffering and lack. That is not what you are here to experience.

If you are not experiencing joy and happiness, then it is time to look around you and find the cause.

On the surface you may be able to look around and see circumstances, situations and other people that are creating disharmony. But this is not a true vision. Everything is of your creation and yours only.

Take some time to go within, and you will find the answers that will give you a clear understanding of what is the true cause.

When you discover your answers, then you can clear them and heal them all. If you want to be cleared, to be healed of unwanted experiences, then you are the one who must do the clearing and healing. If you wish to hold on to them for any reason, then it is your choice and they will remain with you.

Dear Ones, all your worries about being on your right path, and what you are supposed to be doing, only drains your energy field. Please know, if you follow your Inner Hearts Voice: You are always on your path. Always. Your soul has chosen what your path and your purpose is and will make sure you never leave it.

We wish for you to let go of worrying about so many things that do not make a difference. Instead of worry we wish for you to Love, have fun and enjoy each moment of your Life experience.

We are in gratitude for each of you who has chosen to experience this present human life. You are important to the ascension of all and your Planet.

We are here with Love for you,
I AM Archangel Zadkiel