Cymatics Change and Smoky Quartz with Golden Rutile…

Here we are in the midst of the many predictions we have been told… The End of Times MADNESS! All we are required to do through this process is take Great Care of YOUR SELF! You ARE Transforming!!!

You are transforming from one world design to another design. Someone came in this week and had the perfect visual description for this process we are going through. Cymatics… the visible effects of sound vibration and shows the transformational nature of sound and matter. Sound vibration guides us and shapes us. When one plays a frequency, the sand creates one design. Then the frequency changes to another sound vibration and changes the design. Before it creates the new design all the sand particles are in complete chaos… then it moves into a whole new design based on the new sound frequency. We are in the midst of changing our frequency. Right NOW at this moment, we are in chaos level 3, we are fine tuning ourselves to a whole new level of frequency… a whole new level in CREATION!

VERY IMPORTANT for YOU to know what you are thinking and feeling makes a difference in our new design. This is why a lot of the old players in this world are trying to keep you in a negative vibe. They don’t want our new higher vibration design. Do not fall for the lower energy dramas playing out! You are required to Master Your Self in a higher vibratory state so you can match this high vibe design we are moving into.

Choose love and be aware of where you are mentally as this is a requirement towards ascending.

  • Do what makes you happy; start living as you are in this higher vibration already.
  • Spend time with those you love.
  • Get out in nature, grounding, walking barefoot if possible.
  • Connect with yourself and your higher self.
  • Meditate at least 30 mins a day.
  • Allow your crystals to assist.
  • Go for energy healing.
  • Journal: it’s helpful to track changes.
  • Eat well, fresh fruit and veggies.
  • Exercise.
  • Talk through any challenges; be a lover not a fighter.

We coexist in a world full of difference of souls. It is now a time of remembering that we are all in one great big, beautiful design… Playing different roles. Love and kindness is the cure that will heal all wounds. To see another reflected in you, is the healing one and both need. We are all here to serve the greater good, one heart to another. Let us Create an Extraordinary Beautiful Cymatics Design!

At times you may feel depressed or have a lot of anxiety as these chaotic changes get overwhelming. Lightworker’s Sanctuary recently received a crystal from Brazil, and it immediately called to be worked with during these extreme times. I, Jennifer, got one myself as I too feel these energies of creation moving forward now at a dramatic pace. It helped Up-Lift me immediately. This Change will make us feel very uneasy and uncomfortable until we get more solid footing in our new design. We are here to succeed in this transition through to a world that is hard to perceive at this moment. Nature’s Divine!

Keep fine-tuning yourself to match the world of your new creations. What are you CREATING?!

The crystal is Smoky Quartz with Golden Rutile. This crystal is extremely uplifting, helping us regain control, particularly in cases of depression.

Chakra Alignment – All chakras

Crystal Attributes:

  • Strongly anti-depressant
  • Calming and grounding
  • Helps us regain control of our lives.
  • Pain killer, especially for back problems
  • Can dampen electromagnetic stress and block geopathic stress.

They are exquisite crystals that are extremely HAPPY! Stop in Lightworker’s Sanctuary to see them in person! See you soon…