Crystal Gallery Multi-Mineral QuartzMany different facets to these crystalsGolden Healer QuartzSpreads Golden Light & Clears BlockagesFlower AgateBlooming Love, New Beginnings, Growth & TransformationTrolleiteHigh Vibrations; Great Ascension StoneDendritic AgateAttracts Woodland Spirits of AbundanceFuchsiteInspiration, Intuition & improves Self-WorthSeptarian DruzyPurifies & Amplifies body’s natural healingPink Cobaltoan CalcitePromotes Compassion & AcceptanceGirasolFind Your Deepest True FeelingsStalagmitesCreativity & ImaginationCaribbean CalciteCalms Anxiety & TensionPink Chalcedony RosePromotes Empathy & Inner PeaceMeteoriteAids in Telepathy, Clairvoyance, & ForesightSmoky Quartz w/RutileExtremely Uplifting; Strong AntidepressantPink TourmalineHigh Spiritual PerspectiveNWA-4420 MeteoriteRare Cosmic ForcePurpuriteAscension Tool to Higher Energies!ScapoliteRemoves emotional garbage, moving you on your right path.RhyoliteMagical Stone leading us towards Joyous potentials.Peanut (Red Orb) ObsidianMysterious Energies connecting you to Mother EarthAfghaniteHigh Vibration... Calming & SoothingVivianite - RareDeep Heart-Based VibrationGrape Agate - RareSpiritual Wisdom & GrowthPinolite/PinolithRelease negative emotions & GroundingSnowFlake ObsidianPeace, Balance & Inner ReflectionLapis LazuliTruth & EnlightenmentEmerald in BiotiteInfinite Patience to See TruthStromatoliteEncourages Standing in Your PowerLemurian JadeEarth Healing & Connects to Nature SpiritsBismuthHelps you adjust to Higher FrequenciesVanadiniteStamina, Grounding, CreativityCryoliteIntelligence of the HeartCarnelianProvides Courage, Vitality & Energy to Grow SpirituallyPrehniteDispels worry... Bringing Peaceful AwarenessCitrinePlayfulness, Creativity & ManifestationRhodoniteDiscover Hidden Talents & Fulfill One's DestinyFluoriteDispels Confusion & Clears your Energy FieldRhodocrositeSelf Love & CompassionPeitersiteDischarges Negative Energies & Emotional Turmoil. Holds keys to 'The Kingdom of Heaven'SeptarianBrings through feelings of Happiness & UnderstandingGreen ApophollyteInvokes the energies of Rebirth, Healing & GrowthMerliniteOpens Doors to Deeper Intuitive AbilitiesMoldaviteTransformation... Rapid Spiritual EvolutionAmethystSpiritual Protection, Purification & Divine ConnectionRuby w/ KyaniteCourage & Passion meets High Frequency EnergiesGreen AventurineVitality, Confidence, Manifestation & ProsperityRed TourmalineAllows one to Give & Receive Love. Heals emotional wounds.Petrified WoodExtremely Grounding & Restores Physical EnergyFuchsiteAccesses Knowledge with great practical value.Raw EmeraldOpens the Heart to Love & ForgivenessCelestiteHigher Dimensions... SerenityCarborundumPurifies Mind, Body & SpiritBlue Tourmaline (Indicolite)Higher AwarenessBlue KyaniteInner Bridges & Psychic AbilitiesRaw Azurite & MalachiteAzurite~Inner Vision Malachite~Healed HeartCrystal SpheresSpheres are held sacred, emitting harmony and positivityPortal SeleniteVery Rare working as our store’s Beacon of LightHarmonizing Quartz ClusterBrings Harmony into one’s spaceAmazoniteTruth, Communication & HarmonyApatiteInterface Point between Consciousness and Matter… ManifestationMica on Black TourmalineProtecting… Reduces Hostile and Nervous EnergyQuartz Cluster MagicMagnification, Clearing and CleansingStore MascotUniquely Spectacular Calcite on AmethystTall Smokey Quartz FlameRepresents Strength & BraveryLOVE STONESRose Quartz, Kunzite and DanburiteChrysopraseGrowth, Compassion, Connection with NatureSatin-spar SeleniteCleansing, Clearing and releases stagnation.LepidoliteSoothes the Emotional BodyLabradoriteAlchemy & ProtectionElestialConnects you to your Eternal SelfBlack TourmalinePurification & Protection Click To Learn About Andara Crystals